Sequence Options at Wakefield, Washington-Liberty, Yorktown High Schools, & the Arlington Career Center
Graduation requirements for the Standard Diploma require a least two sequential electives. Below are a few samples of the many sequencing options available in CTE. Please see your counselor for a full list of all CTE sequences.
I. Business and Communication
Arts, A/V Technology & Communications
Sequence Option 1:
Sequence Option 2:
Sequence Option 3:
Business, Management & Administration
Sequence Option 1:
Sequence Option 2:
Sequence Option 3:
Information Technology
Sequence Option 1:
Sequence Option 2:
Sequence Option 3:
Computer Science
Sequence Option 1:
Sequence Option 2a:
Sequence Option 2b:
Sequence Option 3:
Sequence Option 1:
Sequence Option 2:
Sequence Option 3:
II. Industry & Engineering
Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics
Sequence Option 1:
Sequence Option 2:
Sequence Option 3:
Sequence Option 4:
II. Health & Human Services
Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources
Sequence Option 1:
Sequence Option 2:
Human Services
Sequence Option 1:
Sequence Option 2:
Sequence Option 3:
DE – Course is also available for qualified students to earn dual-enrolled college credit. Please see course description or more information.
*IB courses are only offered at Washington-Liberty High School
**Additional levels of some sequences are available at the comprehensive high schools. Other CTE courses are also available at the Arlington Career Center. Please see page 76 for more information. Students may earn a selected verified credit upon completion of a CTE sequence and successfully passing a state approved industry certification for that sequence. Each CTE course provides an opportunity for industry certification for students entering high school in 2013-2014 and beyond to fulfill the career and technical certification required for the Standard Diploma graduation requirement.