Veterinary Science enables students to acquire the employability and technical knowledge and skills needed to succeed in postsecondary education as well as in a career in veterinary medicine or a related occupation. Students work with the wide variety of domestic and exotic animals housed at the Animal Science facility. Course content integrates application of academics, development of career competencies, and instruction in course specific knowledge and skills, such as business management, the use of tools, equipment, and facilities related to veterinary medicine. The program’s strong partnerships with local animal related businesses allows for opportunities to build leadership skills and participate in internships. Students enrolled in the course should have a strong background in math and science and should be familiar with small animal care. Students may earn 3 articulation credits for ZOO 276- Animal Management Internship 2, from State University New York - Jefferson Community College towards an Associate of Applied Science Degree in Zoo Technology.
Biology (24310) & Concurrent enrollment in Veterinary Science I (28064)
Veterinary Science Sequence: 28064 and 28061. Must enroll in both classes at the same time.
A credit earned in this course will satisfy the third lab science credit for the standard diploma or the fourth lab science credit for the advanced diploma. In addition to the science credit, students will receive a second credit for fine/practical arts. This course also counts as a sequence for the modified standard diploma.
Student-selected verified credit can be earned by passing the course-related industry certification.