Emergency Medical Technician I

Full Year (28334, 98334W)
High School
Content Area
Career & Technical Courses
Credits 1.0
Quality Points
Dual Enrollment

This program is a college-level course taught to the National Highway Transportation Safety Agency/US Department of Transportation 1994 Emergency Medical Technician-Basic (EMT-B) National Standard curriculum. This program is ideal for the student interested in the medical field or any career requiring First Aid certification. Students will study anatomy, physiology, introduction to emergency medical care, airway management, patient assessment, medical emergencies, obstetrical/gynecological emergencies, care of the trauma patient, pediatric emergencies, and ambulance operations. Students will also complete the American Heart Association Basic Life Support for the healthcare provider and a first aid course. Students will also be provided the opportunity to assist and observe in a hospital emergency department or ride-along on an emergency ambulance.

The Arlington Career Center


Concurrent with Emergency Medical Technician II (28335) (98335. Biology (24310) and students must meet all Virginia Department of Health, Office of Emergency Medical Services regulatory eligibility requirements to attend an EMT program, including must be at least 16 years of age at the start of the course; have parental permission if under age 18; be proficient in reading, writing, speaking, and understanding the English language as determined by Arlington Public Schools.

Additional Credit

This course may be dual enrolled at Northern Virginia Community College. The NOVA entrance requirements must be met before registering. Please consult with your school counselor for more details. This allows a pathway for the student to obtain an AAS degree in EMS with an automatic acceptance to George Washington University’s on-line bachelor’s in health sciences degree program at reduced tuition.

Additional High School Credit

A credit earned in this course satisfies the third lab science credit for the standard diploma or the fourth lab science credit for the advanced diploma. Students receive one credit for laboratory science and a second credit for fine/practical arts.


Student-selected verified credit can be earned by passing the course-related industry certification.