Civics and Economics

Full Year (12355)
Middle School
Content Area
Social Studies

Through the study of Civics and Economics, students will examine the responsibilities, rights, and duties of citizenship and its function within the political and economic system of the United States. Students will explore the structure and operation of local, state, and national governments through an inquiry-based approach. Students will utilize their knowledge and skills to understand and analyze the relationship between the government and the economy. Students will apply their learning to develop an understanding of what it means to be an informed and responsible citizen.

Students will:

  • Use maps, globes, photographs, pictures, cartoons, and tables.
  • Demonstrate skills for historical, civic, and geographic analysis.
  • Understand the foundations of American constitutional government.
  • Understand citizenship and the rights, duties, and responsibilities of citizens.
  • Demonstrate personal character traits that facilitate thoughtful and effective participation in civic life.
  • Understand the political process at the local, state, and national levels of government.
  • Understand the American constitutional government at the national, state, and local levels.
  • Understand the judicial systems established by the Constitution of Virginia and the Constitution of the United States.
  • Understand how public policy is made at the local, state, and national levels of government.
  • Understand the United States economy, how decisions are made in the marketplace, and the role of government in the economy.
  • Understand personal finance and career opportunities.

The Civics and Economics Standards of Learning assessment will be administered at the end of Grade 7.

Dorothy Hamm Middle School
Gunston Middle School
HB Woodlawn Secondary Program
Kenmore Middle School
Swanson Middle School
Thomas Jefferson Middle School
Williamsburg Middle School