Grade 6 English, Intensified

Full Year (11116)
Middle School
Content Area
English Language Arts

English 6 Intensified is a core course that provides a rigorous study of English Language Arts content and is open to all MS students.  


This course provides opportunities for students to focus on reading, writing, speaking, and listening as indicated by the Grade 6 Virginia Standards of Learning. Students will apply a complex lens of examination and interpretation to a variety of texts and genres to include fiction, non-fiction, short stories, novels and excerpts, and media. Students will also be tasked with reflecting on their thinking and learning and use the writing process to develop and craft expository, narrative, and persuasive writing pieces.


Goals of this course include having students:


•        Collaborate with peers through a comparative analysis process.

•        Analyze and compare organizational structures of texts and use this knowledge to comprehend nonfiction and fiction and cite evidence to support their thinking.

•        Expand academic vocabulary to include morphology and word origins.

•        Write in a variety of forms, with a focus on essay writing, with a revision process to improve usage and mechanics, and composition and expression.

•        Read higher level texts, as assigned or student choice, to make deeper learning connections to learning unit themes and learning expectations.

•        Create and present work with a research-based focus, in diverse media formats.

•        Engage in critical thinking for reading and writing to include defending thoughts and ideas, composing and presenting critiques, and examining and evaluating real world situations and contexts.

Dorothy Hamm Middle School
Gunston Middle School
Kenmore Middle School
Swanson Middle School
Thomas Jefferson Middle School
Williamsburg Middle School