Policy Statements - Promotion and Retention


Promotion is based upon the progress made by the individual in the acquisition of skills, knowledge, and work habits in relation to the objectives established at each grade level in the elementary school.

Progress through the elementary school follows the general pattern set forth in the policy stated above. Promotion from the elementary school to the middle school usually takes place after normal progression through grades K-5. Individual differences, however, may require a departure from this norm; accelerated or delayed movement through the elementary school is provided as indicated.

In either instance, the parents of the child are involved in the planning that results in acceleration or retention. Factors tobe considered include the achievement of the individual as determined by class performance, teacher judgment, achievement tests, and criterion-referenced measures in relation to the objectives established at each grade level.


A student is retained in a grade when educational growth does not warrant assignment to the next grade. Retention is based on academic performance in relation to the objectives established at each grade level.

Decision to Retain

The school staff recommends retention of a student when that decision will benefit the student’s long-term achievement. Factors considered include:

  • class performance in the basic skills of reading, writing, and mathematics as determines by report card grades, achievement tests, and criterion referenced measures.
  • teacher judgment of student achievement in relation to the objectives established at each grade level.
  • previous experience of the student in relation to grade retention, remediation in basic skill areas, and proficiency in the English language.

Advising Parents

When retention is considered, the parents of the student are involved in early planning beginning no later than spring parent- teacher conference. Exceptions to this may be necessary for transfer students who arrive late in the school year. If retention is deemed advisable, parents are consulted and reason for the retention discussed. Final responsibility for assignment rests with the principal.