IB Topics in 20th Century World History Part II (HL)

Full Year (32386)
High School
Content Area
International Baccalaureate
Credits 1.0
Quality Points
1.0 upon completion of both years & HL IB examination
IB Course Level
Higher Level

This course gives students an opportunity to study selected topics in Twentieth Century World History while concentrating on the History of the Americas as the regional emphasis. Major events and issues of Twentieth Century history as they happened and/or influenced the Americas are explored through the study of individual case histories.

Washington-Liberty High School


IB History of the Americas (HL) Part 1. Open to all Grade 12 W-L students who meet the prerequisites.


This course, along with History of the Americas, satisfies the Virginia State requirement in American History and prepares students for the required High Level IB examination in history to be taken at the end of the senior year. Students not completing the Internal Assessment and/or not taking the exam will not earn the additional quality point (22386). This IB course is weighted by applying an additional 1.0 quality point value assigned to the final grade upon completion of the course.