IB History of the Americas Part I (HL)

Full Year (32385)
High School
Content Area
International Baccalaureate
Credits 1.0
Quality Points
1.0 upon completion of both years & HL IB examination
IB Course Level
Higher Level

History of the Americas provides students with an in-depth thematic study of the Americas. This course introduces students to history as a discipline, and helps students understand the processes of historical inquiry. History of the Americas is a detailed study of the political, social, economic, and cultural history of the nations of the Americas, with emphasis placed on the history of the United States. Students are introduced to history as part science in its approach to evidence and part art in recording and communicating its findings. History is the attempt made by professional historians to record and reconstruct the past through the study of evidence derived from a variety of sources. It is concerned with individuals and societies in the widest context: political, social, economic, and cultural. Students understand the nature of history and are able to manipulate primary sources to interpret and make sense of the historical record.

Students choosing not to continue to Topics in Twentieth Century World History, who have passed the History of the Americas course and the VA/US SOL exam will receive credit for VA/US History; however, they will forfeit the quality point and their transcript will be changed to read US and Virginia History.

Washington-Liberty High School


World History (Intensified recommended) & Completion of AP VA/US Government. Open to all Grade 11 W-L students who meet the prerequisites.


This course, along with Topics in Twentieth Century World History, satisfies the Virginia State requirement in American History and prepares students for the required High Level IB examination in History taken at the end of the senior year. Students not completing the Internal Assessment and/or not taking the exam will not earn the additional quality point (22385). This IB course is weighted by applying an additional 1.0 quality point value assigned to the final grade upon completion of the course.