Presents concepts of limits, derivatives, differentiation of various types of functions and use of differentiation rules, application of differentiation, antiderivatives, integrals, and applications of integration. Additionally, students will learn the calculus of algebraic and transcendental functions including rectangular, polar, and parametric graphing, indefinite and definite integrals, methods of integration, vector functions, volumes, sequences, and power series along with applications. Proofs of key theorems are also emphasized. Features instruction for mathematical, physical, and engineering science programs.
Pre-Calculus, dual enrollment (93162W) or Pre-Calculus/Trigonometry (23162) or Pre-Calculus, Intensified (23164) - grade of C or higher
This course may be dual enrolled at Northern Virginia Community College. The NOVA entrance requirements must be met before registering. Please consult with you school counselor for more details.