IB Theatre Art Part I (HL)

2 years (31942)
High School
Content Area
International Baccalaureate
Credits 2.0
Quality Points
1.0 each year upon completion of both years
IB Course Level
Higher Level

The aims of the program in Theatre Arts are to help students understand the nature of the theatre, to understand it by making it as well as by studying it, to understand it not only with their minds but with their senses, their bodies, and their emotions, to understand the forms it takes in cultures other than their own and through this understanding better to understand themselves, their society and their world. The syllabus at the Higher Level consists of five compulsory parts: Performance Skills, World Theatre Studies, Practical Play Analysis, Theatre Production, and an Individual Project. This course prepares students for the required High Level IB assessment at the end of the two-year course of study and consists of a research paper of 2500 words, an oral presentation (20-30 minutes maximum) on a practical play analysis, a portfolio of approximately 4500 words reflecting on the candidates learning and development in the theatre and an Individual Project.

Washington-Liberty High School


Successful completion of any drama course (may include tech theatre) with a C or better; and/or recommendation of the instructor. Open to all Grade 11 and 12 W-L students who meet the prerequisites.


Students not completing the Internal Assessment and/or not taking the exam will not earn the additional quality point (29142) (29143). This course is weighted by applying an additional 1.0 quality value assigned to the final grade upon completion of the course. This course earns 2 Fine Arts credits.