Grade 6 Course Information

Core Curriculum 

Grade 6 students study the following subjects during the core block of time. Within each subject area students receive remediation and enrichment as appropriate. (See page 6 for differentiation information.)

Note: Courses that have fewer than 15 students may not be offered based on student interest and budget considerations. In some cases, additional budget considerations may require that courses may not be offered in a given year and impacted students should select an alternative course. Additionally, courses with insufficient enrollment may be offered through distance or online learning.

Exploratory Program 

The Exploratory Wheel is designed to provide Grade 6 students the opportunity to sample a variety of the electives offered at the middle school level. Students in the Exploratory Wheel will rotate through classes which reflect the fine arts, the practical arts and/or linguistics. The students travel as a group and rotate through the various classes offered. The possible combinations of offerings vary with the individual school’s schedule. Students may also participate in elective courses if they are offered through the after-school ACT II program. 

Grade 6 students who elect instrumental music and those students who are required to take Instructional Studies or opt to take another skill building course will participate in those classes on a daily basis instead of the Exploratory Wheel.

Semester or Year-Long Non-Core Classes