Exploratory/Electives Program

Middle school provides a variety of learning experiences through the exploratory/electives courses. Through these courses, students have opportunities to develop new interests and discover new abilities with the specialized staff and facilities of the middle school. Elective course offerings depend on sufficient student enrollment. Exploratory and elective classes vary in their meeting schedules and in the amount of curriculum they cover.

All courses listed in the Program of Studies are available for student requests. When completing the final course schedules, courses that have fewer than 15 students may not be offered based on student interest and budget considerations. Therefore, proper planning also includes consideration of alternative course selections. Scheduling conflicts may necessitate scheduling alternative course selections. If a course is cancelled at the home school, a student may enroll in the course at another school in the county provided space is available. Transportation may need to be provided by the parent. Every effort will be made to accommodate student interests and needs when courses are canceled, or conflicts occur. In some cases, additional budget considerations may require that courses may not be offered in a given year and impacted students should select an alternative course. Additionally, courses with insufficient enrollment may be offered through distance or online learning.