English Learner Services

English Learner (EL) Services provide English language development for students eligible for EL services. English Language Development (ELD) courses are aligned with both the WIDA English Language Proficiency Standards and Virginia Standards of Learning.

English learners take language arts (a two-period block) with teachers who are dually certified in ESOL and English language arts. ELs take science and social studies with a certified ESOL teacher, in a co-taught classroom, or in a general education setting. ELs also participate in general education electives and physical education. Students are recommended for mathematics courses based on readiness. English credit is earned in credit-bearing grade level English language arts courses that provide scaffolded instruction aligned to the EL’s level of English language proficiency. Successful completion of these courses allows ELs to meet the English requirement for graduation. Additional ELD classes carry elective or content credit, as noted below. 

Note: Courses that have fewer than 15 students may not be offered based on student interest and budget considerations. In some cases, additional budget considerations may require that courses may not be offered in any given year and impacted students should select an alternative course. Additionally, courses with insufficient enrollment may be offered through distance learning or online learning.

High School Courses