English 11, (College Composition) Dual Enrollment

Full Year (91150W)
High School
Content Area
English Language Arts
Credits 1.0
Quality Points
Dual Enrollment

This course will address the Virginia Standards of Learning for Grade 11 English and introduce students to critical thinking and the fundamentals of academic writing. Through the writing process, students will refine topics; develop and support ideas; investigate, evaluate, and incorporate appropriate resources; edit for effective style and usage; and determine appropriate approaches for a variety of contexts, audiences, and purposes. Writing activities will include exposition and argumentation with at least one researched essay that requires students to locate, evaluate, integrate, and document sources and effectively edit for style and usage.

Arlington Community High School
Langston/New Directions
The Arlington Career Center
Wakefield High School
Washington-Liberty High School
Yorktown High School


High academic achievement in previous English classes. Teacher/counselor recommendation. The NVCC entrance requirements must be met before registering.

Additional Credit

This course may be dual enrolled at Northern Virginia Community College ENG 111 / ENG 112. The NOVA entrance requirements must be met before registering. Please consult with your school counselor for more details.