English Language Arts

The English Language Arts Program in Arlington Public Schools focuses on communication and multimodal literacies, reading, writing, and research skills students need for success in school and beyond. Concept-based curriculum is built around literature study in which students are expected to read, write, speak, listen, and think critically and extensively. Curriculum at all grade levels is aligned with the Virginia English Standards of Learning.

Four English credits are required for graduation from high school in Virginia. At all high schools, students may select from a full range of courses, including, but not limited to, English, Intensified, Advanced Placement, Dual Enrollment, and electives.

Note: Courses that have fewer than 15 students may not be offered based on student interest and budget considerations. In some cases, additional budget considerations may require that courses may not be offered in any given year and impacted students should select an alternative course. Additionally, courses with insufficient enrollment may be offered through distance learning or online learning.


Elective English Language Arts 

To enrich their studies, increase their achievement, or to pursue their interests, students may take the courses listed below in addition to their required Major English Language Arts course.
