Leadership Development

Full Year (28956)
High School
Content Area
Academic Programs
Credits 1.0

Work Based Learning Capstone (WBLC) is the culminating course in a student’s logical sequence of courses within a chosen career area of interest. In this course, students can apply their knowledge, technical skills, leadership, and workplace readiness skills acquired in their Career and Technical Education (CTE) elective courses in a real-world business and industry settings. Student will need to have taken at least two previous career and technical education (CTE) courses listed in the Program of Studies in their chosen career areas of interest.

The WBL Capstone continues to develop the student’ skills and knowledge in their chosen career path, or further their study within their areas of interest. A work-based training plan is developed by the student, teacher, and workplace mentor to guide the student’s work-based learning experiences and assist in evaluating achievement and performance. There are several models of Work Based Learning (WBL): the credit bearing cooperative “co-op” (requires concurrent classroom instruction and on-the-job training”), and the non-credit bearing service-based learning, internship, and school-based enterprise (entrepreneurship programs). The student will coordinate with the WBL coordinating teacher to determine the appropriate WBL match for the student. Parental or legal guardian consent is required for student participation. It is recommended that students have on to two WBL release periods at the end of the school day to facilitate WBL, job placement.

The Arlington Career Center


Concurrently enrolled in any CTE course